Sunday 21 October 2012

New year, new beginnings

First project of third year and we are designing a.... a.... what? we don't know what we are designing. Yeah that's third year for you! So we don't have a building we have a word! Yes a word! "Stay". No brainer here, we will be probably designing a hotel of some sort. However the project has 3 introductory assignments before we get to the actual designing the building bit.

Do a section and a plan of a bag they said. And identify a protagonist to be travelling from/to Sheffield. My site is in Eccelsall road (yes we have a site but not a building yet... that's third year for you once again) So I did a bit of history digging and found out about this interesting character Charles Peace, notorious thief/burglar/murderer that lived close to my site and killed his neighbour because Peace was having an affair with his neighbour's wife (!!!) And this is how his bag looked like when he was escaping Sheffield the night of the murder:

Then (still having no building) we were to design a room for our character to sleep in for a night. So my character found refuge under the bridge in my site (how convenient!) by removing bricks and creating a space for inhabitation under the bridge providing him security and a good hideout from the police. How that's going to inform the building though... no idea.

Next Step: actually find out what the building is!!!!

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